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Recognition and Awards

REALTOR® and Affiliate of the Year

The REALTOR and Affiliate of Year are members who displayed excellence in their field, civic duty, and dedication to the Board. Nominations open in late March.


A REALTOR® Member who has held membership in the National Association as a REALTOR®, REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, or both, for a cumulative period of forty (40) years and has completed at least one (1) year of service at the National Association level is eligible for REALTOR® Emeritus status.

REALTOR® Honor Society

Applications must be submitted to, applications for 2025 will be made available in March. After 15 years members become permanent and need not continue to apply.

Affiliate Honor Society

SBR Affiliates are memebrs who display outstanding work in their field, Affiliate spirit, and service to the Board. Members are invited to apply for the Honor Society each year, applications are made available in March and close in April.

RPAC Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame recognizes dedicated members who have made a significant commitment to RPAC over the years by investing an aggregate lifetime amount of at least $25,000. Hall of Fame members are installed at the May REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo the following year. President’s Circle investments may be counted towards Hall of Fame status. Among the Hall of Fame benefits are name plaques on the RPAC Hall of Fame wall located on NAR’s Washington, D.C. building rooftop, personal plaque commemorating the installation and recognition pins with the Hall of Fame designation.