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Lori Breard-Weeden Scholarship

About Our Scholarship

The Seacoast Board of Realtors Memorial Scholarship – In Memory of Lori Breard-Weeden was established in January of 2011. Lori Breard-Weeden was a REALTOR®, and an active part of the community. As a REALTOR®, Lori was very active in The Seacoast Board of Realtors, and besides serving for several years on the Board of Directors, she chaired the Finance Committee and served as the Board’s Treasurer and Vice President. Lori had a strong commitment to the continuing education and professionalism of local real estate agents, and was instrumental in bringing many educational opportunities to the Membership. In honor of Lori’s tireless efforts for the Membership of the Seacoast Board of Realtors, the Board of Directors voted to establish this annual scholarship to honor her memory.

This scholarship is given every year to graduating seniors from the four area high schools; Exeter, Portsmouth, Winnacunnet and Newmarket. Due to the success of last year’s fundraising, we are increasing the number of recipients from three to four. To qualify for the scholarship, the Senior must be accepted to an accredited post-graduate program, motivated to learn, involved with the community and sponsored by a Seacoast Board REALTOR® or a REALTOR® Affiliate. The Community Service Committee is dedicated to working throughout the year to raise money for the scholarships by means of raffles, events, and other fundraisers.

Commonly Asked Questions

When do Applications open?

Nominations and applications open in February.

How much are the scholarships for?


How is the Scholarship funded?

Through the fundraising efforts of Community Outreach and through our annual Golf Tournament

When are the winners announced?

During our Annual Awards Ceremony in June. Winners will be notified beforehand.