RPAC Investment Pay Off?
How Does Your RPAC Investment Pay Off?
Your RPAC investment pays off with every political victory:
- ALTERED New Hampshire’s most-stringent-in-the-nation guidance on radon in private wells to better conform with national standards
- REMOVED the applicability of the Real Estate Transfer Tax on many entity-to-entity transfers of real property
- FORCED municipalities to inform certain impacted property owners when zoning changes are proposed
- PREVENTED the expansion of the Real Estate Transfer Tax from including mortgage refinancing
- STOPPED a mandatory testing requirement on all private well water at point-of-sale
- ELIMINATED the mandate that a new design is required when replacing a septic system
- FOUGHT for the expansion of affordable housing opportunities by restricting unreasonable zoning regulations
- HALTED the imposition of fees for household inspection of smoke and CO detectors by local fire officials
- SPONSORED legislation to ensure owners of property can utilize seller financing without being a licensed mortgage originator
- RPAC saves the typical REALTOR® over $20,000 each year.
What is RPAC?
Your RPAC contribution is an investment, the best investment you’ll ever make in your business and yourself. RPAC is your insurance against poorly designed small business and commercial real estate legislation. If you’re not giving your fair share to RPAC, you’re not doing all you can to better your profession, your business, and yourself.
Your voluntary investment is used to improve your bottom line in several ways: Through issues mobilization, political advocacy, and by directly supporting candidates at the local, state, and federal levels of government who champion the ideals and principles of REALTORS®. RPAC is your investment in real estate!
On the national level, we give our money to those in Congress who both understand and support REALTOR® issues. RPAC is the only bipartisan political group in the country organized for REALTORS®, run by REALTORS®, and exists solely to further issues important to REALTORS®.
As a member of the REALTOR® Party, you…
Broker Involvement Program
Are you a broker owner or managing broker? Are you involved with NAR’s Broker Involvement Program?
This dynamic program provides you, the broker-owner, with a quick and effective tool to rally your agents on critical legislative issues affecting our industry.
The Broker Involvement Program offers you and your agents:
The program is an opportunity to bring a strong and united REALTOR® voice to Members of Congress. With over 17,000 broker owners and 475,000 agents in the program, the REALTOR® voice will be heard loud and clear.
Call to Action
How to get started:
When Congress is considering legislation that affects the real estate industry, NAR calls on its members to act. Simply by contacting your Member of Congress through an e-mail or a phone call, you can ensure that your business remains strong. NAR members join together and speak with one loud, powerful voice.
- The REALTOR® Action Center mobile app is currently available only for the iPhone and Droid platforms. Search for “NAR Action Center” on the iTunes Store or Droid Market and download the app today
- After downloading the app, you will be asked to login using the email address associated with the REALTOR® Action Center and your NRDs number.
- When you login, you will be asked if you want to receive notifications from the REALTOR® Action Center. Click “Yes” to receive them.
- Once you are logged in, click on the button in the upper right corner that looks like three horizontal white lines to navigate the app.
- If you experience any problems downloading the app, retrieving your email or password, or logging into the app, send an email to comments@realtoractioncenter.com and a member of the REALTOR® Action Center team will respond